lunes, 30 de mayo de 2022


We are a group of Olga Marcela Cruz’s friends -our dear Olguita-, who several years ago started a beautiful, rebellious, and tumultuous path: against all odds and expectations she decided to become a single mother by choice. She’s convinced of her decision and of the family model she’s chosen to form, although from the beginning she knows that this is not an easy path.

Those of us who know her, know firsthand that her project can become a tireless struggle. After years of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant and having gone through a miscarriage, Olguita decided to start an assisted reproduction treatment. In Colombia this type of procedure is not included in the general healthcare system or health insurance services, so for her there is no other way than a private clinic. She chose the Profamilia Fertility Clinic, an entity with a great trajectory in this field, but also recognized in the country for defending and promoting access to sexual and reproductive rights; there she found excellent professionals who have guided and accompanied her throughout the process without judgment or hesitation.

With great physical, emotional, and economic effort, Olguita began the treatment this year. In its first phase she underwent an artificial insemination procedure which was not successful because with low complexity treatments like that, the chances of success are very limited. The next step is the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which is a slightly more complex procedure. The IVF has several stages: first, Olguita will take high doses of hormones to stimulate her egg production which in turn will be removed on a surgery-like procedure. Then the fertilization is performed in a laboratory and a few days later they will transfer the fertilized eggs to her uterus. Olguita will also need specialized medications to prepare her endometrium so she can sustain the pregnancy. After the procedure, she will need to be under strict medical control and get special care at home.

Although Olguita has a lot of support and a budget to cover the first part of the treatment, she still needs funds to cover all costs. Today we are inviting you to help and raise funds for specialized medications, additional tests, and other expenses, none of which are covered by her health insurance.

Here are the detailed costs:
- Specialized medications: COP $7'500.000
- Additional tests: COP $1'500.000
- Transportation and special care: COP $1'000.000
TOTAL: COP $10'000.000

Looks like a very large figure, but we all together can make it happen! Any donation, any contribution no matter the amount is more than welcome. You can make your donations at:

Bancolombia Savings Account No. 91200988839 in the name of Olga Marcela Cruz
Nequi o Daviplata (Colombia) 3134709095 (Cel number)

We will update through social media about the fundraising status!! Your help will be much appreciated!!

If you want to know more about this story, you can check out her social media and blog (in Spanish):
Instagram and Facebook: @lolatejedoramspe

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